Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Disney Vacation!

Christmas Vacation!

A few weeks before Christmas John, Sam and I went to Disney World with John's parents. We had such a great time and enjoyed the 80 degree weather. Sam didn't know what was going on most of the time but he loved most of the rides ands shows. However, he was so scared of the characters. He loved them and pointed at them from far away but as soon as we got close to them he shrieked with fear! It was also our first time flying with Sam and that went surprisingly well. We had one flight that was completely full and Sam had to sit in our laps and you could tell he needed some space, but the other three flights we were able to give him his own seat and as long as he had food, drinks, and a movie on the portable DVD player he was pretty content. We were only gone 4 days, so we probably tried to fit too much stuff into too few days, but we had fun doing it. Sam was a trooper and was much more flexible than I was about most things. We know that he won't remember this trip, but besides his food, he was completely free and we enjoyed watching him see all the fun Disney stuff! We decided we will try to go back in about 4 years (or more) so that Sydney and Sam can both enjoy it and communicate their needs and wants. Most of the pictures were taken by Poppa Joe (John's dad) so I only have a few, but it gives you an idea of what we did.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fall Highlights!

Fall Fun!

Here are a few of the highlights and pictures of our fun fall events!
1. Found out we are having a girl and named her Sydney Jo!
2. Tried to be creative with inside activities and successfully made homeade play dough. Sam has not eaten too much of it, but isn't sure what to do with it either!
3. Got to see lots of people for Thansgiving, but was really bad at taking pics!
4. Put up our Christmas tree and am very proud of how Sam has learned to leave it alone. He shows it to everyone who comes to our house and is excited to see it every morning. He also loves to see Christmas trees anywhere else and screams with excitement!
5. My brother and his wife Wendi welcomed Jett Micheal Johnson into our family! Sam and I drove out to Amarillo to see him and even though it was a hard trip, it was worth it to get to cuddle my new nephew! Also we went to the Big Texan to eat dinner and Sam danced his heart out to a little group of musicians that came to our table. It was hilarious!
6. We decided to take a quick vacation with John's parents and headed to Disney World Friday December 11. A seperate post will come later!

Despite the cold, we are looking forward to Christmas and celebrating our Saviors birth with all our family!

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

Baby Girl Sherrer

We just found out today that Samuel will have a baby sister! We are so excited! Samuel is keeping his excitement on the downlow, but we know he is overjoyed on the inside (or at least he will be once he understands). I guess I'm going to have to add some pink to this blog! Our ultra sound was this morning and I was able to guess that it was a girl before the tech even told us. I could clearly see 3 lines and no little turtle sticking out! We are also so thankful because the tech said that everything about her looked great, of course the official results will come later. We spent the day shopping and looking at baby girl things. I can already tell girls are more expensive. At least we bought neutral colored big baby items and it isn't too tabu for a girl to wear blue! We can't wait to meet her now!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Around the House

Around the House

Sam and I spend lots of time around the house these days. Since I keep Micah (our friends baby) during the day we don't get out too often. Hopefully having a double stroller will help me get out more with baby #2. Anyway, we play at home a lot. When the weather was so nice we spend at least an hour of our time outside and Sam loves to be outside! I caught some cute picture of Sam playing around the house and wanted to share them with you all. His favorite things to do in the house are dance, read books, play the piano, watch Elmo and make messes with his toys.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Little Late

Happy Halloween

It's a little late, I know, but I still want to share our Halloween fun this year. Samuel dressed as a little Fireman. It was a simple costume and he loved it. He put on the hat willinglly and wore it most of the time. The night before Halloween we went to Norman and went Trick or Treating with Sam's cousins. Sam didn't really have a clue what was going on but was more than happy to enjoy a sucker while we walked the neighborhood. He looked like such a big boy walking up to the houses and holding out his pumpkin bucket. On Halloween John, Sam and I went to a local pumpkin patch. We took a hay ride, played with pumpkins, climbed a hay bale fort, pet some farm animals, and walked a corn field maze. It was beautiful weather and we had a great morning. Halloween night Sam and I went to the Trunk or Treat event at our church. We walked around, played a few games and got more candy that Sam really can't eat yet. It was really fun to have a toddler this Halloween. He seemed to enjoy himself during all the festivities.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October Zoo trip

October Zoo trip

A few weekends ago we took Sam to the OKC Zoo. We were fortunate because it was one of the last nice days we have had, (ie; not hot, not cold, not rainy). We hadn't taken Sam to the zoo for a while and he just loved it. He actually looked at the animals and pointed. According to him everything goes "MOO". His cousins Sheridan and Jackson and their daddy went with us and we had a fun time together.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Boo and Papa's

Boo and Papa's

Every Year about this time we try to go to Bella Vista, AR to visit John's grandparents, Boo and Papa (there is an explanation about why they call her Boo, but that is what the grandkids call her). So a couple of weekends ago we packed up and headed East. Papa and Boo have a log cabin in what Oklahoman's would call the mountains. It is peaceful and relaxing, but they are also near big cities too. John's brother and family came too and we had a nice weekend letting the kids play and visiting. Papa and Boo enjoy watching the kids play together and seeing their different personalities. We all cherished our time there and look forward to seeing them again soon.

Weekend Getaway

Dallas trip

Over Labor Day weekend,(sorry this post is so late) John and I went to Dallas for the weekend. This was our first time to be away without Samuel. John has been away for work a little, but I had never spent a single night away from my baby. I felt like it was time to give it a try, especially in light of the new baby on the way. So Samuel went to stay with his Nana and Grandpa Jay in Burns Flat and John and I went to Dallas for some shopping and to catch the first OU game. Leaving Sam was really difficult, but once I was away from him I was able to relax and enjoy it. I loved eating at a restaurant and only worring about what I was going to eat, sleeping in, not scheduling my life around nap time, no ice chest of milk and juice, no pack n play or stroller. It was some great adult time. However, I think I called every 3 hours to check on him. We left on Friday and went to join him on Sunday and I was so happy to see him. He had a great time with his Nana and Grandpa. They spoiled him with icecream and staying up late and attention galore. I don't think he missed us at all, but he was happy to see us when we returned. I loved having some time to be with John doing the things we "used" to do, but I love having Sam, even with all the extra things that come with it. Being his mommy is the best!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Big Brother Sam!

From Baby # 2 at 9 weeks

In case you hadn't heard already, Sam is going to be a big brother! We are so excited about baby #2 and hope to meet him/her the first week in April. I'm right about 11 weeks along and feeling pretty good. I have yucky moments, and am so thankful for the nausea medicine my Doc prescribed. It has made this pregnancy so much better than I felt with Sam. We had an ultra sound done to confirm the date and of course the baby looked like a little peanut. We saw it wiggle and it was cute. I'm a little nervouse about having two, but know that the positives will outweight the negatives. I hope that Sam and his sibling are great friends and I know that Sam will be a great big brother. He is so sweet with the baby Micah (who stays with us during the day). He kisses him like 10 times a day and talks to him and pats him and rocks his car seat. Sam is getting good practice for the baby!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sam the Slam Dunker!

Sam the Slam Dunker

Last weekend I went shopping and John taught Sam how to dunk a basketball! It is the cutest thing and he is really good at it. I caught it on video and he is so proud of himself. He does this very often now! It's crazy how quickly he is learning new things!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Big Boy!


Samuel is such a big boy these days. He is walking and running all over the place. He now prefers walking as his mode of transportation. It's funny how much older he looks now that he is walking. I also wasn't expecting him to be able to get into that much more stuff around the house, but I'm going to have to do a second round of baby proofing tonight! He now opens all my kitchen drawers and pulls everything out. Needless to say, I think "No" will be one of his first words.

This past week Samuel and I started keeping Micah during the day. He is the son of our great friends and he is 9 weeks old. He is a great baby and it has been a pretty smooth transition so far. They are sort of on the same nap schedule and so I do have some time to get some things done around the house. Sam loves Micah and
wants to kiss him over and over and he is learning to be a little more gentle too.

The other news we have is that we went to Sam's cardiologist and got a wonderful report. He was very pleased with how the surgery has helped him and said we don't have to go back to see him for a whole year! There is only a mild blockage and minimal leaking in the valve and if his heart stayed that way, Samuel would have very few limitations with his activity level as he gets older. We just pray that his condition stays this same way for a very long time! We were so thankful for that report!

Thursday, July 30, 2009



Well Sam has been walking since July 22. We were at the water park and he just decided to let go of my head and break out on his own. I was so shocked even though I was expecting and hoping it would happen soon. He is getting better at it everyday. Hecan now go very long distances and can stop and start and keep his balance, but he hasn't learned to stand up with out pulling up on something first. He falls a lot, but hasn't nurt himself too bad yet. Walking hasn't changed a whole lot for Sam, except he is so proud of himself, but I'm definetly a little more nervouse. He has fallen and hit his head pretty hard a few times and those moments replay in my mind every time he is walking around something hard. Oh well, he'll get better and I will too! And just as I suspected, there are few slow and considerate steps and lots of fast, almost running to keep his balance ones.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Back from Vacation


We made it back from vacation. We had a really nice time. Here's a list of some of the highlights of the trip.
1. Eating Beignet's in the French Quarter for the last time in a long time.
2. Shopping in Foley, AL at a huge outlet mall and scoring Sam some great shoes!
3. Driving along the Gulf Coast and seeing the beautiful emerald waters of the ocean.
4. Taking Sam to the Ocean for the first time.
5. Watching Sam play in the sand.
6. Swimming in the pool and staying cool from the heat.
7. Seeing dolphins in the wild (they came right up to our boat)
8. Eating some really great seafood (Sam loves shrimp too!)
9. Meeting some friends in Fort Worth for dinner.
10. Getting free tickets to the Rangers game from the guy at the ticket booth
11. Taking Sam to his first Texas Rangers game (even though we left early cause he pooped twice and threw up twice, I think it was the heat).
12. Grammy and Papa Joe sold their house while we were there! So they are ready to move back to OKC!

Since we've been home Sam has been sleeping so much! I think we really wore him out. The 11 car ride was not much fun and I'm glad we don't have to do that again for a while. However, it was worth it cause we had a great time and just enjoyed being together.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer Fun!

Summer Fun!

Even though it is hotter than blazes we are having a lot of fun this summer. We've played in the new pool Sam got for is birthday, and in the sprinklers at the cousins house and we are soon heading off on vacation! We also were excited to see our friends Marcus and Kristin have their new baby Micah. Micah is going to stay with us when his mommy goes back to work in August. Sam gave Micah kisses when he came to visit the other day. It was the cutest thing. It was his idea too. The kisses were soft, but the fingers are not as gentle. We are going to work on that alot I think.
Now, lets talk vacation! John and Sam and I are leaving this weekend to go to Louisianna to see Grammy and Papa Joe and help them get ready to move back to OKC!!! We are also going to drive from their house to Foley Alabama for some great outlet shopping and then to Destin Beach, FL for some relaxing time on the beach. We are so excited about getting away, but not as excited about an 11 hour car ride with a fiesty 1 year old! I guess we'll see how things go. Needless to say, there won't be any blogging for a while. I'll post pictures when we recover later! Enjoy the warm (I mean burning hot) weather! We'll be on the beach!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Silly Boy!

Silly Boy

Sam's personality is starting to shine through these days. He is really a silly boy too. The cutest thing he is doing this week is dancing. He moves his feet and does sort of a head banging thing. It is so cute. I put a video of it in the album you have to check it out. He is also very full of energy and is easily excited (like his daddy). He is starting to chatter a little more and seems to hold conversations with himself. You can tell he is understanding more of what we say and is starting to learn so much! Gosh, it is fun to be his mommy!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Daring boy

Daring Boy

I've learned lately that Samuel is a daring little man. I think he is a climber too. This combination makes me very nervous! Last week Sam learned how to climb in and out of his little red car. He turns in every direction and usually ends up standing up and trying to stand on top of the back seat only holding the handle that I push it with. I'm trying very hard to teach him that he shouldn't do that, but he keeps trying. He has also recently found his way INTO the bath tub. One day I was putting laundry away in my room and he went crawling away into the bathroom and before I was able to follow him he dove into the bathtub and successfully got inside by himself. Since then, he always heads straight towards the tub. I was able to watch him do it the other day (because he is incredibly fast) and he is pretty good at diving and crawling in without a hitch. He still isn't walking, or attempting to, but why should he? He is such a fast crawler and he gets to anything and everywhere that he wants. I, however, am very ready for him to walk. 24 pounds is a lot to carry around everywhere and something about being on his hands and knees in certain places does not appeal to me. Besides, I don't think that it will change much for him, in fact it might slow him down...for a minute. Anyway, wish me luck and pray that my little adventurous one stays safe.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Samuel!

Happy Birthday Sam!

Samuel celebrated his 1st birthday last week. His birthday was on Tuesday May 26th and we were pretty low key on that day. John was took some time off all week and so we spent lots of time as a family. For his birthday morning I made waffles and scrambled eggs which he gobbled up and then went to Chick Fi-la for lunch. We hung out most of the day and he swang in his new swing set that John and I got him for his birthday. We went for ice cream after dinner with Zora and her parents and Sam stuck dove into John's icecream nose first.
Saturday we had his big birthday party. It was so much fun. We had our house full of family and friends. We ate dinner, played a few games that focused on Sam, he opened presents, and then had cake. He got some great new toys, books, clothes, and some money! He really enjoyed the party and didn't seemed phased by the 30+ extra people in the house. We are really blessed by the support our little family has had in the past year. I've attached some pictures, but I'll warn you, there is a lot! Enjoy!

Monday, May 25, 2009

One Year Pictures!

One Year Pictures

We took Sam to get his One year pictures and I made a cake that he got to eat during the photo shoot. He thought it was really yummy and especially loved the icing. This was great practice for his birthday party!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Almost 1!


I just can't believe that my baby is about to turn 1! This year has really gone quickly. However, it seems like Samuel has always been with us. I don't think there is anything that changes your life as much as a child does.
As an almost one year old Samuel is so much fun. I thought I'd write some of the important things that Sam is doing now to let everyone know about him and also to help me remember later. Here goes...

Playtime: Samuel loves to play. He especially loves his big red car that he rides in or walks behind. He has recently learned to throw balls and enjoys playing catch. He loves to be chased (crawling) and play peek a boo. His laugh is hearty and contagious.

Eating: Samuel wakes up every morning and has a bottle of formula (7-8 oz). We are about to lose the bottle in the next couple of weeks, however. He then has breakfast about an hour later which usually consists of his favorite cinnamon raisen toast and some type of fruit puree. He loves cherries, strawberries, peaches, and pears. Lunch and dinner usually consist of a meat, veggie, fruit, grain and maybe a dairy product. Some of his favorite foods are cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, fish or fish sticks (he goes crazy for them), Chick-fi-la Chicken strips, grilled chicken, and avocado. Veggies are not among his favorites but we can usually manage to get down some green beans or carrots without too much of a fuss. He drinks one sippy cup of whole milk in the afternoon and one with dinner. He is a pretty good eater!

Sleep: At this time Sam requires alot of sleep it seems. On his best day Sam will wake up between 6:00 & 7:00 am, be ready for nap between 8:30 & 9:30 sleept till 10:00 or 11:00, have another nap between 1:00 & 2:00 and wake up between 3:00 & 4:00. Back to bed around 8:00 PM. He goes to sleep with his lovey giraff in his sleep sack. At bed time we read a book or two then sing 3 songs, pray and lay him down. He usually goes to sleep without any complaint. He will occasionally wake up during the night, but he doesn't usually need anything, he might cry for a minute then go back to sleep. Sometimes I think he has an occasional night terror where he screams or cries and he isn't even awake. I just have to hope that he doesn't remember those things in the morning. He doesn't really wake up happy but after he gets his milk or moves to a different room he comes around and starts being his normal happy self.

Other stuff: Sam currently has 4 teeth shining through and he has learned to bite and pull his food. He walks around furniture, but isn't wanting to venture out on his own yet. Yesterday he said his first word! He was standing at my legs whining for me to pick him up, but I was cooking dinner and talking on the phone (multi tasking) and I didn't feel that he really needed anything when all of a sudden he said "Mama". I couldn't believe it because he was actually asking for me! Of course I picked him up then! He has never even come close to saying mama before, only dada but not really in the context of John or anything else.

He is such a cutie and we are so blessed to have him. We Thank God for Samuel and for the first year of his life! We are anxiouse to celebrate his birthday tomorrow at home and thenhis official birthday party will be on Saturday at our house with some family and friends!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Making up for lost time!


I've been bad at posting new pics so here are some from the end of March and below are some from April. April seemed to really fly by. Samuel started practicing his walking skills this month. He pushed his moveable toys around and just giggled like crazy when he did it. There are some really cute videos that I couldn't pass up on posting. He is full of personality and is constantly moving. He is the fastest crawler I've ever seen. I'm worried that he won't feel the need to walk because he is so good at crawling!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Ear Trouble

This week Samuel had his first ear infection. It's been pretty sad. It seems like just all of a sudden it hit him with a high fever. He wasn't showing the traditional signs, like tugging on the ear or drainage. He wasn't even fussy...until the fever hit. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and started antibiotic #1. It however, must have tasted horrible because Sam fought me every time I tried to give it too him. He would stick his tongue out and then either spit out what I put in his mouth or even gag so hard he threw up. It was lovely. I called the Doc and they gave us antibiotic #2. It must taste better but still not on the favorites list. I have been able to get the complete dose in his system so far. However, tonight he has broken out in a light rash. The on-call nurse suggested we don't give him anymore until we talk to the doctor again. Thankfully, the fever hasn't been back since yesterday. The only positive of his sickness is that he has been very cuddly. However, that also makes me sad because he isn't his normal active self and I know he feels terrible. I've known that he was a tough kid, but he has just proved it more during this sickness. He still smiled at people and didn't complain too much despite 102 degree temperature. Thankfully he is on the mend now and had energy enough to play today. After we get the antibiotics worked out I hope life returns to normal.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Busy Boy=Busy Life

Busy Boy=Busy Life

It has been a while since I've blogged. Sorry for the long absence. I'll just tell you that my world has really changed since Samuel started crawling. I can't believe it has been over a month since he's been cruising! He is in to EVERYTHING! If it is in his reach it is fair game! I'm not a super clean freak but my house isn't too dirty, but Samuel seems determined to find every crumb, lint, leaf and other unknown objects that might hide themselves in my carpet. Clean floors are now a high priority! I've also had to start using the "no" word. It's interesting how fast they understand that word, but also interesting how quickly they learn to test and see if mom is serious. I'll say "No Samuel" and he'll stop and look at me, then slowly start again until..."No Samuel"...he stops and looks at me then grins to see if I'm serious and then he may or may not try it again. It's pretty cute, but also a glimpse of the future with my ornery boy! One of the cutest things he is doing now is dancing to music. He puts one finger in the air and bounces up and down or if he is standing at something he will bend his knees or push out his botton. He also just started clapping so sometimes he claps to music! It is all SO cute! I just love being Sam's mommy and am so blessed to get to spend everyday with him! John has been very busy with work and we have been missing him, but hope that soon he'll return to his normal schedule! At Sam's 9 month appointment he was 22 lbs, 2 oz and was 29 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile and is doing great! Today he is officially 10 months old! He is such a blessing!

Friday, February 13, 2009

On The Move!

On the move!

The past two weeks Samuel has started really going places! He rolled around everywhere. We were told last week at church that he had to move up from the infant room to creepers room in the nursery! They said that he was rolling all over the place and even rolled over to Zora (Sam's good friend) took her toy away and started laughing when she started crying. Now I wouldn't call him a bully or anything, but I guess they are right about moving him out of the infant class. He really is a sweet boy! Then all week he has been working hard at crawling. He would take a few steps with his hands and occasionally his knees would follow. Most of the time he just did a little belly flop!....Today however, he completely crawled! It was the cutest thing in the whole world. My heart swelled with pride and I was giggling with joy! Amazingly enough, I caught it on video!!! So look at all the pictures and there are lots of videos of the work we've been doing and then you can see that he conquers another major milestone! My life has officially changed forever! He has also gotten better at feeding himself. He loves puffs and yogart melts! mmmmm.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Heart Happy!

Yesterday our little family made another trip to the pediatric cardiologist(our 4th since he was born) to have a check on Sam's heart condition. The doctor said that everything continues to look great at this time. Yeah!!! Thank you Jesus. After the EKG and an echocardiogram he felt that the blockage in the aortic valve was mild with only minimal leakage from the surgery. He told us to continue treating him like a normal baby. He was pleased with how happy and healthy he is. We don't have to go back for 6 months, which is great news because it always seems to take about 2 hours for a visit and Sam doesn't like to hold still for the tests they do. Anyway, we are so thankful.
As we sat in the waiting room John and I both just felt so blessed to have Sam. Although he has his own problem, he has such a normal lifestyle right now. It was hard to look at all the kids and families sitting there waiting to see the heart doctors. Just walking the halls of children's hospital puts a new perspective on everything. We praised God for our wonderful son and pray that his condition never worsens or if God willing, it disappears! Thanks for all your continued support to our family!

Warm Winter

Warm Winter Days

We have been so fortunate to have some very warm days in the middle of winter this year. We've also had some very cold days, but we expect those in February. Anyway last Saturday was in the 60's and we took advantage and went to the park for a family outing. We haven't gone to the park much yet because Sam has been too little to really care about swings and ducks and stuff like that. But now he had so much fun! He got to swing for the first time and he loved it. I think John and I loved it just as much. It was so fun. It felt like the beginning of all the fun kid things we get to experience with Sam. Sam is a very excited baby and lets us know when something meets his approval. I think he is more like his dad in this area, cause they are both very excitable and expressive. I guess we will fing out.
Grandma Robin came to visit and brought Sam this cute little OU wind suit. John thought it was great and made me do an entire photo shoot of Sam in it. For the OSU fans out there, you'll be happy to know that Sam wore the outfit for about 2 hours before he expressed his feelings and overflowed his diaper. Like I said...he lets us know what he likes! (haha)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

January Fun

January Fun

Where has January gone. Wasn't Christmas just yesterday? Well...Sam has had another fun month and he is now 8 months old! I can't believe it. Exciting news at 8 months is that he is rolling all over the place and putting himself in the crawling position. He is now able to skoot backwards, dive forward or roll sideways. So he is really moving! I have been seriously thinking about babyproofing the house, but just haven't gotten to it yet. I'm sure Sam will give me some motivation soon. Another exciting event this month is that Sam got his first little toothling. It's only a little bit through the gums on the bottom. I'm guessing that he will probably get a lot of his teeth at the same time...yeah for teething. He hasn't been too cranky though just a little clingy sometimes. I've attached two albums of pictures from this month and the one below has video of some of Sam's new moves. The video was taken a few weeks ago and he is getting better every day, but it is still really cute.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Play Day with Cousins


After all the Christmas celebrations ended, Sam and I were home alone with nothing important to do. No family to visit, no gifts to go shopping for, no daddy home during the day...just back to our normal days. I'm not complaining, cause I love our normal days, but after a month of constant busyness there was an extreme let down. So anyway, after a week, I called my sister-in-law and said...we are coming for a visit. She was thrilled. So we went to Norman for the day and let the kids play. Sam loved it. He hadn't spent much time with older kids yet and he watched their every move. He laughed hysterically at Sheridan, the 4 year old, and you can already tell that he and Jackson have a special bond (they are 10 months apart). Megan and I had a great day talking and watching the kids and we even got some scrap booking done. We plan to do it more often cause it was great for everyone! I think that everyone needs to have some cousins to grow up with and some pictures to prove it, so here they are...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fun Pictures

photo funia pics

My father-in-law played around with some program on the web and made these cool pictures of Sam. I thought they were great! Thanks Papa Joe!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

7 Months

7 Month pictures

Right before Christmas we had Sam's 7 month pictures taken at Target! They were so cute that we decided to pay the extra $5 to get them online and downloaded to our computer. He is such a camera ham these days. He was quick to learn that when the camera is out he should give his million dollar smile. We are so proud of him and wanted to share these pics with you!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Christmas at Home and More Fun!

Christmas at Home and more fun!

On Christmas morning John and I went in to wake Samuel up, which I'm sure is just one of the few years we have to actually wake him up for Christmas morning. As usual he was such a happy baby in the morning. We took him to the living room and he opened a few presents from Santa and a few from Mom and Dad. Then we all opened our stockings. It was such a special time together. Sam was so happy about every present except the pajama's. However, Santa somehow knew that Sam's toes were pushing there way through most of his current PJ's so Mommy was thankful for them.
Afterward we got ready and went over to Grandmothers again to open stockings that Santa left for us there. We ate the traditional Sherrer Christmas breakfast of cinnamon rolls, bacon and breakfast casserole. Before the morning was over we headed to Burns Flat again just to relax and be with family for the day. While we drove out their Samuel got to be a part of our traditional reading of the Christmas Story from the Bible. We all learned something new about the wonderful birth of our Savior. The Chaos of Christmas can often help us forget what we are really celebrating, but every year John and I read that story and we reflect on how marvelous our God is. Now with our own son we have a deeper understanding of how hard it would be to send him to a place where you knew he'd endure pain. That's how much God loves us...too much to comprehend!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas Eve (Celebration # 3)

Christmas Celebration #3

For Christmas Eve we always spend the evening at Grandmothers with Grammy, Papa Joe, Uncle Andy, Aunt Megan, Jackson and Sheridan. It used to be a small and quiet gathering of adults who ate a delicious and relaxing meal among candle light and Christmas music. Now with three kids among the group the only thing that is the same is that the food is delicious! But it was such a fun time watching the kids open presents. Samuel was again blessed with lots of fun stuff! Grammy and Papa Joe gave him a radio flyer car. At first, we all thought it would be a few months before he enjoyed it, but when we sat Sam in the seat he looked as if he'd done it a million times. He grabbed the wheel and waited for someone to push him. It took no time for him to find the ignition button or the music button. It was a blast. We celebrated late into the evening and Sam ended up snoozing in the pack and play until we went home to get ready for Santa. This was just another celebration where we counted our blessings and thanked God for our wonderful family.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Christmas #1 and 2

Christmas #1 & 2

We began our Christmas celebrations the weekend before in Burns Flat. First we went over to Grandma Robin's house and had yummy food and opened presents. We got to have Uncle Jerome, Uncle Justin, Aunt Shae and Uncle Travis and all of their families together. We really missed having Grandpa Vance with us but were so thankful that he got to celebrate Christmas in Heaven!
For our second Christmas celebration we went over to Nana and Jays house with Uncle Justin, Aunt Renee', Uncle Jerome, Aunt Wendi and their kids. We opened presents Saturday night and then had a very big breakfast the next morning. We enjoyed playing with Grandpa Jay's new Wii.
Samuel did not lack for any attention and was very blessed with gifts. John and I were surprised at how much he really enjoyed opening presents. He really would have been happy with just having a wad of wrapping paper, but at home he will enjoy all the new toys! After the weekend we were already starting to get tired but were looking forward to some more Christmas blessings. We were really happy that John had three whole weeks off to spend with us!

Christmas is coming!

Holiday Spirit

First of all, sorry for the delays in posts. We have been very busy, like most people, during the holidays and I've neglected to post all the details.

As the Christmas season approached we had lots of fun with Samuel. We decorated our house together, went shopping together and started visiting family early on. These pictures are some of the fun times we had getting ready for Christmas.