Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Ear Trouble

This week Samuel had his first ear infection. It's been pretty sad. It seems like just all of a sudden it hit him with a high fever. He wasn't showing the traditional signs, like tugging on the ear or drainage. He wasn't even fussy...until the fever hit. We went to the doctor on Tuesday and started antibiotic #1. It however, must have tasted horrible because Sam fought me every time I tried to give it too him. He would stick his tongue out and then either spit out what I put in his mouth or even gag so hard he threw up. It was lovely. I called the Doc and they gave us antibiotic #2. It must taste better but still not on the favorites list. I have been able to get the complete dose in his system so far. However, tonight he has broken out in a light rash. The on-call nurse suggested we don't give him anymore until we talk to the doctor again. Thankfully, the fever hasn't been back since yesterday. The only positive of his sickness is that he has been very cuddly. However, that also makes me sad because he isn't his normal active self and I know he feels terrible. I've known that he was a tough kid, but he has just proved it more during this sickness. He still smiled at people and didn't complain too much despite 102 degree temperature. Thankfully he is on the mend now and had energy enough to play today. After we get the antibiotics worked out I hope life returns to normal.


Heather said...

Could he possibly have had Roseola on top of the ear infection? J.J. had that and had an unexplained fever and then 2 days later had a rash of little red spots all over his trunk. Just a thought. Could explain the rash. (Once they get the rash, the thing is over--and almost every kid gets it at some point).

Aubrey said...

Oh poor Sam! I'm sorry that he was feeling poorly, and I'm so glad that he's on the mend. I totally know what you mean about loving the extra cuddles but hating that you're only getting them because he feels too bad to play.

P.S. Love the caterpillar ticker at the top. That first birthday is coming up!!!!