Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sam The Man!

Sam the man!

Sam is getting more fun everyday. He is so involved in everything now. It is rare that he sits quietly in his car seat while the rest of the world does stuff. He wants in on the action! He is usually content to sit with someone facing out so he can see what is happening. It is cute to watch his little face so intense while he takes in his surroundings. He is such a blessing! I love being his mom!

We got more good news last week when we went back to the pediatric cardiologist when they told us that they think the procedure was a great success and that he still only has a mild blockage of the aortic valve. We go back in December and we pray that it stays that way for many years!

Sam scared me the other night cause he slept till 5 AM! I woke up first and jumped up and ran in to check on him and he was just starting to move around. He woke up shortly after and needed to eat RIGHT then. I thought maybe that was the beginning of something beautiful but he hasn't done it again since. We are back to 2 AM feedings. It's okay. I'm sorta like a machine now. It doesn't even bother me anymore. The part that is hard is when I have trouble going back to sleep. Anyway, I enjoy our extra time together. Soon enough he won't need me in the night anymore (I hope it's soon anyway).

Sam has some new tricks these day! They include very large and numerous spit bubbles, standing while you hold him, and smiling easily with an occasional giggle. He is the greatest. I thank God for him everyday!


Aubrey said...

What a cutie! Sam IS The Man! I love how he's so alert. Nothing gets past that guy. :)

Ella was so curious about the world that we had to always hold her facing out. She would fuss like crazy if we held her toward us. When Kara Laine came to visit E for the first time, she was kind of irked that she had to choose between holding Ella (and seeing the back of her head) and looking at Ella's face (while someone else held her). So funny!

Kira said...

Super cute pictures! Did you have any luck and JBF? It was great to chat with you, if only for a second!

Tracy said...

Hi! I was wondering when we were going to see more pictures! He's getting so big. Can Sam come over and play sometime soon?? :-)