Samuel is such a big boy these days. He is walking and running all over the place. He now prefers walking as his mode of transportation. It's funny how much older he looks now that he is walking. I also wasn't expecting him to be able to get into that much more stuff around the house, but I'm going to have to do a second round of baby proofing tonight! He now opens all my kitchen drawers and pulls everything out. Needless to say, I think "No" will be one of his first words.
This past week Samuel and I started keeping Micah during the day. He is the son of our great friends and he is 9 weeks old. He is a great baby and it has been a pretty smooth transition so far. They are sort of on the same nap schedule and so I do have some time to get some things done around the house. Sam loves Micah and
wants to kiss him over and over and he is learning to be a little more gentle too.
The other news we have is that we went to Sam's cardiologist and got a wonderful report. He was very pleased with how the surgery has helped him and said we don't have to go back to see him for a whole year! There is only a mild blockage and minimal leaking in the valve and if his heart stayed that way, Samuel would have very few limitations with his activity level as he gets older. We just pray that his condition stays this same way for a very long time! We were so thankful for that report!